Monday, January 17, 2011


The best part of being sick is ......getting better.  :)  I take for granted that I will get better.  I get sick, I rest (or I push on when I should be resting), and eventually I get better and forget all about being sick.  It is so easy to be ungrateful for my usually healthy self.  But as I have been "under the weather" for the past couple of days I have had the time to reflect on the "gift" of health.  And today I am so thankful to God that I am once again healthy.

But it does make me think of a friend who will not be returning to full health and strength.  How can I encourage her today?  How about you, do you need encouragement, or can you be someone who will come along another who needs a friendly word or deed? Let me encourage you to .... just do it!

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